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Avoid Surgery And Choose Spinal Decompression Treatment

If you are a person who suffers from back problems, you already know how it can affect your life. Backache hinders most of your daily activities and you are left wondering if you will ever get back to your normal life.


The reason for back pain can vary from person to person, it could be due to injury or other reasons. Lasting and recurring back pain can limit you in many different ways. Before it takes a toll on your daily routine, you should put an end to it. The best way to do this would be to choose a non-surgical spinal decompression treatment. Spinal decompression is a safe and effective alternative to conventional spinal surgery, which requires a long incision to be made along the back. Invasive surgeries can be damaging to nerves and muscles in the back and spinal regions. Also, surgery would make you inactive as you would require a recovery period.


Not many people are aware of this form of non-invasive treatment, for those people, here is a simple guide to non-surgical spinal decompression treatment.


What is spinal decompression?


It is a non-surgical treatment for relieving chronic back pain. It has been cleared by the FDA as a non-surgical treatment for low back pain that is safe, effective and has helped thousands of people return to their normal active lifestyles. This treatment is non-invasive, comfortable and often so effective that many patients who have been suffering for years observe positive results in just a few sessions.


How does the treatment work?


Spinal decompression treatments painlessly decompress the disc in your lower back, relieving pressure on the affected nerves and structure of the spine. Each treatment session lasts about 30 minutes to an hour.


Spinal decompression relieves the pressure that builds up on your discs and nerves. Pain is relieved by moving areas of the herniated disc back into place by creating negative pressure. This, in turn, draws disc material back into the disc space and relieves the pressure.


What are the benefits of this procedure?


There are many benefits of undergoing this procedure, some of them are as follows:


It promotes muscle relaxation:


Spinal decompression therapy gently stretches the spine and its supporting muscles. As a result of the pressure, the nerve compression is naturally relieved. In addition to that, muscle tension is relieved and the treatment also promotes muscle relaxation.


Naturally repositions the discs:


Non-surgical spinal decompression treatment creates negative pressure on discs as the patient rests on a table that is stationary on top and mobile on the lower part. These movements encourage repositioning of discs to relieve nerve pressure and sometimes pull disc material back into the disc.


Increases access to nutrients:


As this treatment safely creates a pressure on the problematic disc, it stimulates the flow of essential nutrients to the spinal disc. As a result of this, the problematic disc and the other discs become healthier.


Reduces the need for fusion surgery:


There is a host of non-surgical options to treat back pain, ranging from injections to physical therapy and acupuncture. But patients do not find relief through any of these. With spinal decompression treatments, you can be pretty sure that you have made the right choice for yourself.


Recovery from this treatment is way faster than recovering from an invasive surgery:


An invasive surgery may require the surgeons to cut or shift certain muscles in the patients back. As an incision will be made, you are going to require a lot of time to recover and you will also be required to take dozens of painkillers to avoid the pain. Whereas when you opt for spinal decompression, you will not have to face any of these problems. It is a completely safe procedure and requires minimal to no recovery time.


This treatment can prevent disc breakdown:


The way our bodies work, it is next to impossible to go through the day without putting pressure on different structures of your back. The spinal discs that separate and provide cushioned support to each vertebra are especially susceptible to the weight of our bodies. Studies have proven that decompressing the spine helps prevent this breakdown.


If you have a chronic back pain due to an injury or everyday wear and tear, you do not have to suffer! Choose non-surgical spinal decompression treatment and relieve yourself from this pain!

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